A Wonderful Future
Awaits Us
Our Vision for Well Fed Ohana
Welcome to Waimanalo Homesteads. In this neighborhood of Native Hawaiian ‘ohanas there is abundant food growing around each hale in the district.
Rich food forests full of native fruits and vegetables abound in soil that has been regenerated by high amounts of compost,mulch, biochar, and indigenous microorganisms from the deep jungle forest.
The natural aloha of these neighbors is shining as they gather to share the goodness of home grown food with each other as well as trading and bartering one crop for another. Bananas
for lilikoi, kalo for ‘ulu…
Traditional luau food has been expanded to include cuisines inspired by all the cultures that are living together on these Islands made from the rich variety growing in Waimanalo . An ‘ulu lasagna stuffed with home grown tomato sauce and bele spinach - guaranteed winnah! Local food processing hubs where ‘ulu, kalo and cassava grown at home are transformed into flour replacing the dependence on wheat grown thousands of miles away. Native Ko -sugar cane is pressed into cane juice for sweeting medicinal formulas with home grown plants such as mamaki, noni and chili pepper.
The keikis all know the names of all the plants they grow at home and learn about them in the school food forests where math, science, culture all come together in a curriculum that explores and honors the ‘aina and its life sustaining produce.
Kupuna sit in the presence of their ancestors fulfilled in knowledge that was passed down through generations – perhaps lost for a while in the midst of a foreign culture – but reclaimed and practiced together Kupuna, mothers and keiki and men filled with the strength of mana found rooted in the ‘aina. The community shares music, dance and chants celebrating all life Mauka to Makai in the ahupua’a called Waimanalo. Each ‘ohana is secure in the knowledge that they can feed themselves under any circumstances and freed from the constant rising price of food and fuel.
Most homes are completely off-grid with solar and battery systems and prepared with home reservoirs from rain capture. The fertilizers and pesticides are all organic based on indigenous
microorganisms gleaned from the forest and made from the very plants they grow. Chickens supplement plant food with protein rich eggs while providing rich fertilizer from their coops.
All of this is not lost on other neighborhoods. First on the Windward side up the coast in Kailua,, Kaneohe, Kahaluu all the way to Kahuku where fruit trees line the highway providing shade and sustenance to all.
Come with us on this journey and help make our vision a wonder full reality. We wouldn’t want to go without you. We see you there among the gathered people beneath the shade of ‘ulu trees and kukui enjoying the gifts of Akua with gratitude and the warmth of aloha like the Hawaiian sun.