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Midweek Tells Our Story....Twice!

Bruce Campbell

Ron Nagasawa, Publisher of Midweek Newspaper learned about Well Fed Ohana and chose to run not one but two stories in the last month about us. The first was published in the Windward O'ahu Community December 13th with the Headline -" Growing Interest in 'Food Forests'."   Read the Full Article Here

The second was published in the main Midweek Magazine in the feature called Proof Positive with the Headline - Nonprofit Keeping Waimanalo Family 'Well Fed' Read the Full Article Here - Page 5

A big mahalo to Ron, Don Robbins of the Windward News and the Midweek staff writers for helping us tell our story to a wider audience. We had several people at the Farmers Market say they saw the articles and told us "good work". Its great to be acknowledged but even greater when it leads to more interest, participation and support.

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